Our War Game

When a virus DigiTama appears on the Net and hatches into Kuramon, Koushiro and Taichi connect with Gennai for help. While Taichi tries to reach the others, Agumon and Tentomon struggle against a Digimon who quickly evolves from Baby I to Baby II to Child to Perfect.

After defeating Greymon and Kabuterimon, Infermon escapes into the phone system, leaving Taichi and Koushiro with only a message-leaving system to contact anyone. Taichi finally reaches Yamato and Takeru, who are visiting their paternal grandmother and immediately seek out a computer, and Gabumon and Patamon join the fight.

Agumon and Gabumon warp-evolve, but Infermon evolves to Diablomon, its Ultimate, then hacks the U.S. military and fires two missiles, one heading straight for Tokyo. Diablomon clones itself, and with Tentomon and Patamon already out of commission, the exhausted WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are no match for the massive army of Ultimates.

Original Air Date
March 4th, 2000

Date Set
March 2000

Using the power of their love and friendship with their Digimon partners, Taichi and Yamato slip into the Net through the computer monitors and give their Digimon the power to fuse into a new Digimon, Omegamon. Omegamon destroys the clones, but the real Diablomon is too fast. Koushiro, though, thinks quickly on his feet and forward all the emails slowing down Omegamon to Diablomon, who freezes, allowing Omegamon to impale it with their sword, stopping the missiles with seconds remaining.


You can find more general information about the movie on Wikimon, DigimonWiki, and Wikipedia, and here are some other helpful outside resources:

If you would like to watch the movie with the original Japanese audio and English subtitles, you can watch it many places online, plus snag your own version here: